Sunday, April 21, 2013

Currently Watching: Spring 2013

I'm sorry for the lack of everything. Recaps get tiring after a while and there's just too much going on right now for me to focus all at once. School is hectic. For once my "social" life is going somewhere one can say. Okay, not really, just too many extracurricular crap going on this month and exams are up next month and I just wish it was summer already so I can watch my all my heart's desires of dramas, or what I can get, and eat my weight in watermelon.

So instead of my normal posts of whatever it is I normally post, I will just tell you everything I'm currently watching and minor details about them. This is another reason why there's been a lack of updates. One can only watch so many things at a time. Even worse, in a limited time. I only go on for say three to four hours a day, less now this month. And I must add that all these dramas are freaking long. Good Golly Miss Dolly.

I hate hate hate hate it when I find something right in the middle of watching something, or the cases for most of these, the beginning. The picture above shows that I am watching nine dramas. Well, that's not exactly the case. I'm watching ten. I didn't realize I forgot one until I was done and decided I was too lazy to redo this. Wowza. This wouldn't be an issue if I were just to watch an episode every week but I'm marathoning all of this. It's like a workout just thinking about it this much. 

Can anyone guess all these dramas?

Monday, April 8, 2013

Curiosity Strikes: LOVE

I know it's not of me to do back to back posts on just movies but I don't give a care. 

I don't think this is the first time I've found this movie but I think the difference is that this time it made a bigger impact on me when I began seeing a lot of familiar faces. I think this movie will be a cute one to watch. Sometimes movies tend to be very extravagant in setting, clothing, actors but not in plot which is kinda of a flop for them. I think that this one will be good because of it's simple plot and good casting.

Anticipation as Curiosity Strikes: A Wedding Invitation

Occasionally I do watch stuff other than dramas. I was getting somewhat bored of doing my recaps of Infernal Lover and decided to browse around Youku for a snipbit. The first thing that caught my eye was a screencap of one of my husbands, Eddie Peng, I know I'm a cheater for having many husbands. Anyways, Eddie, who doesn't love him and his cuteness? Thirty something my ass. He looks no older than twenty-four.

Anyways, when I first saw this I knew I must watch this because of Eddie. Too bad I don't know more than five lines of Mandarin, oh how that would make my life a million times better. Trust me, if I could, I would book a flight right now, hop my ass on that plane and sit outside the movie theaters all night just to see my hubby. Surprisingly this doesn't come out Friday, gosh, why must I be busy that day? Life is tough. Anyways , more on A Wedding Invitation and I'm sorry for my bantering but you guys wouldn't understand right now.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Recap Episode 3: Infernal Lover

So is anyone excited for these recaps? I'm only excited to continue watching this drama but not recapping, this is more for you guys. 

Last time, we left off with Feng Yi crying by the lake and saying how he's tired of being the bad guy and Liu Yi Kui taking care of ther "heroine" Hua Er. How will this story unfold, I don't know. Okay that was a lie. Of course I know, how else would I be doing this?

My dear netizens, I present to you episode three.

Good News, Well Kinda

I've been hesitating a lot lately on whether or not to do thing again because of the time constraint but I have decided to do so. Want to know what the heck I'm talking about, click the continue reading button.

Final Thought, Highlights, Review, Cast, Comments: Gloomy Salad Days

So I just finished this drama and I don't know how I feel. Part of me liked it and part of me didn't and another part just didn't care. It was definitely one of those in between dramas.

For a High School drama, it hits points that usually aren't touched in this industry at all and are pretty common. Problems like Homosexuality, Transgender, Trust, Betrayal, Love, Teenage Pregnancy,abandonment and blah blah blah. You guys understand where I'm going right? Some stories, they knocked it out of the ball park, while others, in my opinion, were just there as a filler for the next story to start. I liked how it was kinda cohesive and everyone knew each other.

As it is prominent in almost everything we watch, the guys always outshines the girl. This is very true. You can notice it quite clearly when you compare all of the characters and stories next to one another, except for one girl. Ok I'm getting a little too ahead of myself.