I'm sorry for the lack of everything. Recaps get tiring after a while and there's just too much going on right now for me to focus all at once. School is hectic. For once my "social" life is going somewhere one can say. Okay, not really, just too many extracurricular crap going on this month and exams are up next month and I just wish it was summer already so I can watch my all my heart's desires of dramas, or what I can get, and eat my weight in watermelon.
So instead of my normal posts of whatever it is I normally post, I will just tell you everything I'm currently watching and minor details about them. This is another reason why there's been a lack of updates. One can only watch so many things at a time. Even worse, in a limited time. I only go on for say three to four hours a day, less now this month. And I must add that all these dramas are freaking long. Good Golly Miss Dolly.
I hate hate hate hate it when I find something right in the middle of watching something, or the cases for most of these, the beginning. The picture above shows that I am watching nine dramas. Well, that's not exactly the case. I'm watching ten. I didn't realize I forgot one until I was done and decided I was too lazy to redo this. Wowza. This wouldn't be an issue if I were just to watch an episode every week but I'm marathoning all of this. It's like a workout just thinking about it this much.
Can anyone guess all these dramas?